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Adding Value: Grow Your Bottom Line By the Power of Helping Others Succeed

Add value to your business by making every interaction, transaction, and relationship valuable. Such connections are what keeps businesses vital, innovative, and successful. Utilize professional development courses like this to learn how. 

Adding Value to Your Business 

Having an overarching goal is important for your business. Whether it’s a mission statement or a foundational objective that you always return to, it can be a huge boon as a business owner. This course discusses value and how focusing on the value you obtain and prioritize from each aspect of your business will help you monumentally. This course is all about ways to continually grow and improve your business through practical applications. 

In this particular course, you will learn how to create content, build relationships, and utilize tools to add value to your business. Whether that be your clients, referral prospects, or strategic partners, everyone can benefit from what you learn here. This course is different from other “business professional development courses" because you'll learn practical tools and skills to utilize on a daily basis to help add value for others. 

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Lesson Plan

Create valuable and impactful content.

Build lasting and mutually beneficial relationships.

Discover and hone actionable skills to use daily to improve value to yourself, your business, and others.

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Value is Exponential Growth

Every valuable interaction you have has the potential to spark another valuable interaction, connection, or business transaction. Just by leaving a meaningful impression and ensuring your skills and your business are seen as valuable, you are setting yourself up for future success. 

Get Started by Adding Value to Your Bottom Line

Helping others, in any capacity, is something any professional can do to add value to their relationships. Whether that’s through their peer network, clients, or even ancillary professionals, This course will teach you that every time you help another person, that value is added to your bottom line. That can be seen in the form of more opportunities, increased client prospects, or even just good will. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of professional development courses?

Professional development courses are crucial for keeping your business current with marketing trends, technological advancements, and iterative improvements to your processes. 

How long does the course take to complete?

We suggest our courses be taken over 5 days in order to give you time to absorb the lessons from each video and have time to apply them to your business.

How soon can I start my course after I purchase it?

You can begin the course immediately after purchase by logging into your account! There you’ll have access to every course you’ve purchased with Athena Captain, including downloadable handouts to go with the video lessons.

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Coach, Speaker, Author

Through her unique combination of life experience and a heart for sharing, Athena brings her extremely engaging and humble style to the speaking arena, captivating audiences ranging from professional single moms, to families raising kids with special needs, to entrepreneurs and sales professionals looking to create a growing sales machine.

Athena’s heart drives her to serve those who know, deep down, that they have a gift, a knack, that hasn’t fully developed, and who hunger for that spark of inspiration and knowledge that will finally help them turn that corner. Her proven results building a referral-based prospecting and sales machine for a custom homebuilding company, after building a hugely successful sales team for one of the nation’s largest mortgage firms, give her credibility to inspire and teach an audience of professionals from any size organization. Her life spent raising a child with special needs, while juggling the load that comes with being a world-class sales and marketing professional, all while overcoming the challenges of someone who scores 10 / 10 on the ACE scale, gives her credibility to speak into the lives of an audience facing similar challenges, but who also share the belief and vision that they can do, and become, more than anyone ever thought possible.

Athena brings a unique combination of grit, empathy, and no-excuses inspiration that speaks to a range of audiences, leaving them with not only the motivation, but also the tools, to go back into the world with a renewed sense of purpose, with an understanding of how to carry it out.