Athena Captain Blog


Written by Athena Captain | Dec 12, 2022 10:38:00 PM


I hear it too... All of the doom and gloom of our economy, the world, and how we need to better prepare ourselves for tragic events. 
Friend, let's be real... Yes, this is a change we need to be aware of allowing us to be wise... YET, I know you have the ability to weather this storm with success. How?! Through RELATIONSHIPS!! 
I have spent the last two weeks learning from leaders in the business development space. They all shared a common belief. A belief that I have built multiple businesses on for over a decade... The key to sustainability in sales is going back to the foundation of developing and nurturing our relationships. 
To Do:
  • Meet in person with your top 10 referral partners (more if you have them)
    • Discover ways you can help them have sustainability in business and life
  • Reconnect with your past clients with a heart to serve them
  • Write out 20 people you should know who could help connect you to your target market or referral partners. THEN, build a relationship with them!! 
As always, my team and I are here to help you go deeper on what it means to build and nurture relationships so that you can weather any economic storm.