Following up or giving up...?

How can follow-up strategies enhance your sales?!


I had it on my heart to share the story of one of my coaching clients with you this month, so here we are ❤️


She hasn't always been in sales, but she's always had a big heart to serve others and build relationships. Watch this month's video to learn how a strong follow up plan can make a HUGE impact on your business




Ask yourself:

How has the lack of follow up impacted your business? Now, what if you engaged and finished the year strong by revisiting your follow up plan? That's your 'easy' button.


Following up doesn't cost money, doesn't require a CRM (although it makes it much easier), and you don't have to be an expert in anything other than having a heart to serve others and the desire to build relationships. Let's finish the year strong (and like Shannon) together 💥


Learn to build a strong follow-up plan with our five-day course (#9) or join Captain's Club for a deep dive into the power of following up and other transformative business topics. We want to see you succeed!


Key Tips for Following Up:

  • Pick a CRM
  • Don't gamble with your reputation and your profits.
  • By contact number 3, 80% of salespeople have given up.
  • By contact number 7, "You now own mindshare as the default choice when the prospect is ready"
  • Prioritize your leads in your CRM. 




1 minute read